Part Of The Deal: The Brides Of Sugar Cove Read online

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  “He’s so cute. I love him!” Ava shouted through tears, holding the new puppy like a small baby in her outstretched arms.

  After the chaos calmed down and the house was quiet, Julia sat on the couch in the living room watching as Ava played with her new puppy. Ava named her new puppy Pretzel. The name fit in nicely with the other two dogs.

  “Hey, can I steal you away for a few seconds?” Dylan asked. Julia followed him diligently to his study. After taking a seat across from him, she looked around. So much had changed since the last time she was here.

  “What’s wrong?” Julia asked, sensing from Dylan’s furrowed brow that something was amiss.

  “Nothing actually. My lawyer just told me that because of the stunt Marcie tried to pull today that there’s no way she’s getting custody of Ava. We’ll win for sure.” Dylan's smile seemed forced.

  “That's good news, right?” Julia responded.

  “So … that means you won’t have to marry me after all. You must be relieved.” Dylan chuckled, studying Julia's expression.

  Though she barely knew Dylan, Julia's heart sank.

  “Oh, you're right.” Julia tried to sound nonchalant, but her tone betrayed her. “Uh … am I still Ava’s nanny?”

  “Of course," Dylan reassured her. "I don’t want to lose you.”


  Julia had excused herself before there was time to discuss the matter further. She slowly walked upstairs, still in a trance, and then closed her bedroom door behind her. Sitting on her bed, twisting the ring that was still on her finger, Julia knew that she had feelings for Dylan. It wasn’t until the deal was called off that Julia realized that a man like Dylan was what she really wanted. Her eyes prickled with tears as she suddenly felt like her future had been snatched away from her. She contemplated leaving, but she couldn't leave Ava right now.

  Julia found herself heartbroken yet again. The ring on her finger suddenly felt suffocating, but she knew one thing. Julia loved Ava and wanted to be there for her.

  Chapter 11

  Julia woke the following morning to the sun shining brightly through the window. It almost mocked her melancholy from last night. Her head was full and heavy with emotion. Julia heard the faint sound of Ava’s laughter, and that was enough to bring her out of her funk. Throwing on white denim shorts and a nice peach blouse, Julia hurried down the stairs. She was eager to see how Ava was doing after the emotional turmoil she had to endure yesterday.

  Ava looked like a new girl as she played with Pretzel on the living room rug. Peanut and Pancake jumped up and down beside her. Ava's sweet laugh was infectious, and Julia couldn’t help but start her day with a smile. It was the happiest Julia had seen Ava, and Julia almost forgot about her broken heart. Last night, she had convinced herself everything was for the best. That she and Dylan wouldn’t have made a good couple. However, she watched those thoughts falter as she saw Dylan at the breakfast table looking ecstatic to see Ava smiling.

  “There’s my girl,” Dylan said. As soon as Virginia and Luis served breakfast, Dylan stood up. “In honor of my Ava being safe and sound, I’m throwing a huge party tonight for dinner. Luis, I want you to make your delicious Cuban food. Virginia, why don’t you bring your children and grandchildren? I want a full house.”

  “Are you sure Mr. Greene? I have so many grandbabies. I don’t want to cause any trouble.” Virginia feigned modestly, but her face lit up at the mention of her grandchildren.

  “Nonsense, bring them all,” Dylan exclaimed, finally sitting back down.


  Julia spent the rest of the day with Ava on the beach painting a new portrait of Pretzel when they heard Dylan’s booming voice some hours later.

  “Girls, the party has already started,” Dylan called.

  “Coming,” Ava shouted her reply. Julia, Ava, Peanut, Pancake, and Pretzel raced back to the manor, the smell of spices driving them home.

  Julia watched from the door as the house filled with people. Children ran all over the house, and parents focused on Luis’ famous cuisine. Standing back to observe it all, it amazed Julia how much had changed in the short time she’d been there. Her first week at Greene Manor, Ava would have never wanted to play with other kids. Ava would have been so shy. She would have stood in a corner with her dogs. Now, Ava ran around with the other children, laughing and playing.

  For Julia, it was a scene out of a storybook. With all the laughter, the music blaring, and the smell of delicious food wafting, everything felt perfect. She watched from the sidelines as couples began dancing to the music. Virginia and her husband led the pack. They clearly were not dancers, but no one seemed to care.

  Dylan approached Julia, and she took a deep breath.

  “This turned out well, didn’t it?” Dylan asked although the answer was an obvious yes.

  “It was a great idea,” Julia said loudly over the music. Dylan leaned in closer.

  A tingle went up Julia's spine as she felt Dylan put a hand on the small of her back. His touch, along with the music and the sound of laughter, was electrifying. Though the party surrounded them, Julia felt as if she and Dylan were the only ones there. Julia felt a silence buzz around them, drowning out the Latin dance music until only the sounds of their beating hearts were left.

  “You are incredible, you know that?” Dylan said, moving his hand up her back, so his arm was on her shoulder. She moved closer to him, feeling her body fit perfectly against his side.

  “You're just saying that.” Julia blushed, enamored by the feeling of his body so close to hers.

  “It’s true,” Dylan remarked, keeping his hand around her shoulder. At that moment, Julia wished that all the chaos around her was hers. Her family.

  Chapter 12

  Julia stood at the dining room window, watching Ava intently as she played with Peanut, Pancake, and Pretzel on the beach. Ava ran around, kicking up sand that transformed into a hazy halo around her legs. A paint brush was cradled in Ava's hand, and Julia heard her laugh from indoors as she tried, and failed, to get all the puppies to sit together. Over and over, as soon as Ava offered a treat, Julia saw the dogs lunge to get it. They playfully fought in the sand for it, rolling over so that their white coats became thick with matted sand and remnants of the sea.

  Julia almost couldn’t fathom that this little girl had transformed so much in the summer she’d been there. The air smelled crisp and cool as September rolled in. Julia felt comfortable and safe as she felt the breeze rush through the open window. Though she secretly pined for Dylan and felt more like a mother to Ava than she ever had, Julia knew the autumn wind meant that her summer duties were over. Looking fondly out into Sugar Cove's shore, she felt homesick for a place she hadn’t even left yet. Julia hadn’t written the next great American novel like she thought she would, but she did gain the one thing she never thought she had - a family.

  “Julia.” A loud voice sounded behind her. Julia was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed the front door swing open.

  “Oh Dylan,” Julia said, peeling her eyes slowly off of Ava. She was still wrestling her dogs. "How did it go at the courthouse?"

  "I got it. I got full custody of Ava today. I offered Marcie money, and she took the bait." Dylan grinned.

  Dylan walked closer. Julia glanced up at him, their eyes meeting in a locked gaze. Julia felt sparks rise in her stomach.

  “What happened?” Julia asked softly.

  “Marcie took my money and agreed not to contact Ava until Ava decides to contact her one day," Dylan answered.

  Dylan was so ecstatic that he quickly closed the gap between them. Julia felt the warmth of his body against hers. She felt the scratchy fabric of his slacks soothe her thighs, her arms automatically wrapping themselves around his neck. Julia hugged him, feeling a spark of chemistry surge through her veins.

  Dylan took a deep breath, saying nothing.

  Did he feel it too?

  “Julia, I want you to stay,” Dylan
finally whispered. He brushed a strand of blonde hair away from her face, tucking it carefully behind her ear.

  “I would love to.” Julia didn’t hesitate. "But Ava will be going back to school soon so …"

  Dylan leaned in closer. Julia felt his warm breath on her cheek. His lips finally found hers. Julia's pulse quickened, her stomach filling with millions of tiny bubbles. Her brain was unable to keep calm. She succumbed to his kiss and let him hold her as tight as he wanted.

  “Uh, daddy?” A sweet voice interrupted the magical moment.

  Dylan and Julia were so taken with each other that they hadn’t heard the door open. They both jumped, blushing at their new audience. Ava stood at the doorway, smiling.

  "Yes, honey," Dylan responded as casually as possible.

  “Are you and Julia getting married?” Ava asked.

  Dylan’s eyes stayed intently on Julia's, and she felt heat rise within her body at the child’s question that didn’t seem so ridiculous to her at least. Julia sighed and waited for Dylan to reply.

  “What do you think, Julia? We did have a deal.” Dylan shrugged, and Julia couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Since Dylan had called off their fake engagement, she had dreamed of this day. Dreamed of the day she could put that ring on again and this family could be hers forever.

  “I think we still do,” Julia replied, looking at Dylan.

  “Does that mean—” Ava asked inquisitively, but before she could finish, she was cut off.

  “Yes.” Dylan and Julia said in unison, their eyes focused on only each other. Ava shrieked with excitement. They couldn’t help but laugh as they turned to see her dancing around the dining room with her dogs.

  Julia threw her arms around Dylan, and their lips met for another passionate embrace. Julia felt like she was dreaming. Happiness shone like rays from her body. And with Dylan and Ava at her side, Julia felt like those rays could stretch on for eternity. She never wanted to let go. Julia breathed a sigh of relief, feeling Dylan's arms wrap tightly around her body.

  Julia smiled, knowing that this was all part of the deal.

  A Preview of MAID FOR YOU by Anna Lakewood

  Chapter 1

  The subtle melodies of The Grand Luana Resort’s ukulele players drifted through the morning breeze, greeting hula skirted children, camera-bearing tourists, and the lei wearing maids. The Hawaiian sun was already high in the sky, drawing the guests out of their comfortable beds and onto the island’s blue beaches. Eve Tollman watched from the window of the maid’s quarters as young women her age flounced around in tiny bikini’s, holding the hands of their handsome and tan boyfriends. She tied an apron around her thin waist, covering the basic blue of her maid's uniform. She longed to be one of those girls on the beach. Eve picked up her service cart from the checkin counter. She once was one of those pretty girls on the beach with no worries, but that was before her father got sick.

  “Come on Hani, we’re going to be late for our shift.” Eve called to the woman lacing her white sneakers on one of the benches. Eve was used to playing by the rules, and lateness was one of her biggest pet peeves.

  “Oh come on Eve, Mr. Keko isn’t even here. Besides, anything less than ten minutes doesn’t really count as late.” Hani flipped her thick black curls over her slim shoulders; her flawless tan and her not-quite-black irises gave away her native Hawaiian heritage. She grabbed two Twinkies from her locker and stuffed them into her pocket before grabbing the other cart.

  “I see you’re making progress on that New Year's Resolution to stop eating sugar.” Eve sarcastically pointed to Hani’s bulging pockets, the clear wrappers were plainly visible.

  “Says miss I just want to work harder this year. It’s not a resolution if you’re already doing it.” Hani playfully tossed a pillow at Eve’s face. Eve had been working at the resort for a less than a year but Hani had quickly become like a sister to her.

  Eve and Hani were tasked with cleaning the top floors of the majestic hotel, and as usual, they started with the penthouse. They loved gossiping about the people that stayed there, and often wondered about their riches, their lives, and their loves.

  “I bet this guy is richer than the President.” Hani cooed as they got to the door of the most lavish room on the property.

  “Shhh! What if he’s inside?” Eve hushed Hani. She could not afford a dock in her pay because of Hani’s clumsiness.

  “Don’t be silly," Hani replied. "Everyone’s at the beach by now.”

  Eve rolled her eyes. Hani was right, but she didn’t want to take any chances, especially with someone in a suite like this.

  “Aloha,” Eve called, checking the list of names on her master sheet, “room service, may we come in?”

  After knocking a few more times, Hani unlocked the door to the room, and they stepped inside. The view from this high up still took Eve’s breath away. The open window fluttered the silky white drapery, which contrasted beautifully with the green palm trees in the distance and the cerulean waters of a seemingly never-ending ocean. While Eve stood there, engrossed in her thoughts of lounging by the beach, Hani made her way over to the kitchen and began cleaning. The magic of the resort had worn away for her a long time ago.

  “Are you sure this guy even checked in yet?” Hani said to Eve, snapping her out of her windowpane daydreams. Eve glanced around the living room, bathroom, and kitchen of the suite. Hani was right. It looked like nothing had been touched, and there weren’t even any personal belongings that indicated a guest had been in the room.

  However, as Eve began walking toward the closed bedroom door, she heard a voice from behind the dark wood. She snapped to get Hani’s attention, and then held her forefinger up to her mouth. Hani and Eve never passed up an opportunity to eavesdrop, especially if they were in the penthouse. They both tiptoed over to the cart, and grabbed random cleaning appliances just in case they were caught. At least they would look like they were doing their job. With cleaner and a rag in hand, Eve made her way over to the window nearest to the bedroom door, and began to listen.

  “Don’t worry, after I can get through this bogus ceremony, all of the money will be mine, and—”

  A loud crash sounded behind her. Eve turned quickly, and she saw Hani standing over a prone vacuum cleaner. The loud bang must have caught the attention of whoever was in the bedroom, and the double doors were suddenly and forcefully shoved open.

  “We are so, so sorry for the disturbance sir,” Eve blurted out before she even got a good look at him. Afraid of what she might encounter, she caught only a quick glimpse of his face, and it was riddled with an air of haughtiness and deceit. Whatever this guy was up to, it sent waves of insecurity down to Eve’s stomach and she felt unsettled just looking at him.

  “Are you kidding me?” The man who was dressed in an expensive looking suit yelled angrily as he jammed his cell-phone into his pocket. “I paid top dollar for privacy and I get two bumbling maids who don’t even have the courtesy to knock!”

  “Aloha sir, we are very sorry, we knocked but—” Hani began, but as she was apologizing, the young man pushed past her, knocking over several items on her cart before slamming the front door in their faces.

  “Okay, I don’t care how rich he is, or if we were eavesdropping, that was just rude.” Hani turned to pick up the vacuum cleaner and the other items now scattered across the floor. “Plus, he creeped me out just looking at him.”

  “Seriously Hani, you decide to take out the vacuum while we’re eavesdropping?” Eve responded, afraid that whoever this man was would tell her boss Mr. Keko about the disruption. “You know I need this job.”

  “Relax, Eve. It’s going to be okay. Listen, if this jerk does say something, I’ll take the fall. I’ve been here for six years. I’m not going anywhere."

  "I'll hold you to that," Eve answered.

  "And if you need extra cash, I’m dropping out of this dumb luau thing tonight. Will you take my place? It's good money. All you have to do is smile and wear
a coconut bra.”

  “Are you sure, Hani?” Eve felt giddy. She hadn’t wanted to ask Mr. Keko if she could start working the luaus. It was usually only natives who got hired to work such events. But Eve and her dad needed the extra money to pay for his medical bills.

  “Of course," Hani reassured her. "At the end of the day come get the uniform. It’s in my locker.”

  Eve was nervous about this new responsibility all day, but finally, when the last room was clean and the night shift started to come in, she hurriedly ran to Hani’s locker to put on her new uniform. However, as Eve walked out into the big luau party, her nervousness had quickly transformed into burning self-consciousness. The hula girl outfits were much more risqué than she had imagined. Eve tried in vain to pull up the short straw skirt that clung lowly onto her hips. There was nothing she could do about the coconut bra that she had to wear. It exposed her stomach and belly button piercing.

  Knowing there was nothing she could do about her outfit, Eve made her way through the crowd uncomfortably. She attempted to move her hips like the other girls, but she only felt out of place and embarrassed. The only thing she could do now was pick up a tray of drinks and contort her body around the tray to cover up with it.

  The ukulele music that was ever-present on the island strung out familiar songs, and Eve made her way through the tangle of tourists. She tried her best to remain unseen, but pretty soon she could see the male guests shoot her glances. Just as Eve was finally beginning to feel comfortable working the luau, a light breeze pushed her pink lei and one of the already crooked coconuts out of place. Worried about exposing herself, Eve carefully raised a hand to fix her outfit when a drink fell off of her tray and, of course, onto a guest.

  Eve looked up at the guest just in time to see that his muscular chest, now wet with fallen Piña Colada, was visible through the thin fabric of his shirt. Eve looked up to meet his eyes but was immediately caught off guard by his sculpted face and perfectly dirty blond hair. His cheekbones long and jutting, framed his big, blue eyes as they stared back at her in shock, waiting for her to speak. Eve was speechless. The most handsome man she’d ever seen, smelling sweetly of rum and coconut, had her, for the first time in her life, completely tongue-tied.